
1. Information gathering

At that initial stage our goal is to achieve a clear notion about your business and how you want to present it to the World Wide Web public. We want to learn about the purpose of your site, the information it will provide, and what kind of people are its intended audience. A good vision of the way your Web site should communicate with your clients will help us create the right style and functionality.

2. Design

To fit best in your business requirements we provide several design approaches:
Template solution
Your template choice and our professional abilities can result in a low cost solution for your site. Pick up a template from our collection and one of our packages and we will customize the chosen template to fit the images and titles of your site. Other template solution is exclusive template layout. We create the design only for you and we will not sell to other customer the chosen layout.
Custom design
We create two or more design solutions tailored to your needs and tastes. At that stage you must provide us with the photographs and images you would like to include in the site as well as the main titles of the Web site. A successful design solution requires that we consider those elements as we create the solution. As the design solutions approach their final looks we will present them for online evaluation.

3. Building and delivering the site

At this stage we create the structure of the Web site and fill in its content. You must provide us with the texts that you want to include in the site. A working mockup of the site will be published on our Web site. After the final look and feel of the site is achieved you will receive an archive file containing the Web site with its appropriate structure ready to be published (unpackaged) at your desired location.

Use our request page to order your site now.

Note: For any questions or comments please go to our forum. We will be most happy to hear from you.

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